M u s i c  R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
L i n k s
D i s c u s s B o a r d
. . . m y s t e r i o u s . . .
P i c t u r e s
M o b i l e
A r c h i v e

Tuesday, February 25, 2003


Ok, so I'm adding to the page references this link has gotten, it was the top of popdex the other day, now it's down to #4... but just in case you missed it, Blogger's been purchased by Google, and everyone is speculating what they're going to do with it.

a23 - electronic band I found while looking at related URLs
early influences regarding industrial dance music - Depeche Mode... word - also check out their host

Happy, happy!

Coming soon to a city near you! - Learn to drive like a pro.
In the meanwhile... practice your double clutching.

I've heard many rumors regarding this song - check out www.limpbizkit.com to read for yourself.
Greg Hill (WAAF) seems to think it's a ploy, he produced Brittany's album, told her to be mum about it, posted something about "I'm just really glad to know Brittany at this time in my life..." blah blah on his weblog, and set it all up to promote the album. People were saying "what is he so pissed off about"? Now that he's got the money and success, everyone thinks Fred's done. I think it could certainly be a ploy. He wouldn't ruin a business relationship (he's producing her albums, remember?) by cutting down someone like that. It smells fishy, especially since the new album is called "BiPolar" and he's all double-sided in his web log.
I don't care, personally... but with Avril Lavigne supposedly being so fake, she's anti-fake and other's trying to mess with our minds... it takes reality TV another level. Reality reality, blurring the lines between entertainment and news, and making media their tool. It would be somewhat scary to think it's all set up - that they're able to play people like this.

posted @ 17:14


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