M u s i c  R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
L i n k s
D i s c u s s B o a r d
. . . m y s t e r i o u s . . .
P i c t u r e s
M o b i l e
A r c h i v e

Tuesday, February 11, 2003


I went to class today, nothing special there -- funny thing I wanted to note:
I started my COBOL professor on a "Superman 3" discussion today -- We were talking of rounding in COBOL, and I asked how that would effect something like, say... banking.
He knew what I was getting at, asked about Richard Pryor's character and how he did it - which was more then I was expecting. To tell the truth, I haven't seen it since I was little and couldn't recall any of the details such as how he was caught, etc.
At any rate, he went on about how he took the interest remainder, the <.005 cents for each calculation and put it in his own account -- If that sounds familiar they also used the idea in Officespace (giving the Superman movie the credit).

I think he received mostly blank stares but I was all for it. I really felt the Superman plot recall... maybe that's just me.

I saw 2 great movies last night @ Walmart - The Care Bare movie (certain individuals come to mind), and The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes with Kirk Douglass (when he was about 17). I would have picked up "The Computer..." had it been on DVD... it also reminded me of another great movie (which I just had to confer with my collegues here at work about b/c I couldn't remember the name...) -- CHiP. It's a robot situation comedy of sorts. =]

Small Wonder was a really good tv show, it was on Saturday mornings... and later went to syndication weeday afternoons. The girl was a robot, and the family had to hide her. It was the father's claim to robotics and he had to show it to be practical in order to prove that it could be done. There was a lot of robot sutiation comedy there, too.
There used to be this show on Fox, where a girl was half alien, she lived with her... uncle, for some reason I think her mom had died? She could freeze time, wore jump suits, and was pretty cute (when I was 12). I used to love watching it... but can't for the life of me remember what the name of it was. I'd love to find some tapes/episodes online.

posted @ 17:26


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