M u s i c  R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
L i n k s
D i s c u s s B o a r d
. . . m y s t e r i o u s . . .
P i c t u r e s
M o b i l e
A r c h i v e

Thursday, February 06, 2003


I just did my taxes online... or attempted to. I swore I'd never go back to H&R Block online, and then they sent me an email... I gave it a shot, but with more then $3500 taken out for federal -- H&R says I get $693 back. Bull-shizat!
I'm going to a human who can play with my figures until I get some real money. =]~

I got to see my new car, it came in the other day - Black Mazdaspeed Protoge, all tricked out right from the factory. "Oh yeaaaaah, baby." I faxed all my info to the bank to get a loan, put another deposit down on the car... and now I just wait for it all to come together so I can go pick it up. I'm actually not in that big of a hurry because I'd rather not drive it until it's full-on spring out. Or at least March =]~
salt = bad

I'm awaiting my final trancendance into darkness...
Check out the specs.

posted @ 18:05


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