M u s i c  R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
L i n k s
D i s c u s s B o a r d
. . . m y s t e r i o u s . . .
P i c t u r e s
M o b i l e
A r c h i v e

Thursday, February 13, 2003


...and here I thought the Gestapo was pretty much gone:
I had an accounting test today -- my professor wasn't in so we had a substitute. Wow.
She came right in storming... had an accent, and was ab-so-lute about what she wanted done. She was not supposed to be here, this was eating into her time, she didn't want to be here, and wanted everyone started as soon as possible. We needed to be at least 1 seat apart, books on the floor, bags on the floor, only calculators and writing implements allowed. No calculators that were programmable, "No you can't sit there -- I can't see you" (he was behind a post). She then grabbed the table and moved it to the side of the room and made him sit there facing the wall. Another person she made come up and sit at her table up front. Everyone was just in awe at this woman, I just pictured her in a uniform screaming German and doing the whole Zeig Heil thing...
Whew... glad I made it out of there without any direct eye contact - as my soul probably would have been sucked right out of my body.

Oh... had this weird thing with Deja Vu a while back. I believe I mentioned something to one of my colleagues here at work - but it was the kind of thing you wouldn't exactly remember unless it was your own recollection... so he probably doesn't recall, otherwise it would be that much cooler.
I remember having this dream/vision about a year or so ago... I was busy, back at school, still working at the same place. I had a car, but it wasn't a car I knew (it hadn't come out yet) but I knew it wasn't the probe... it was new. I was sitting in this car and looking at a red Miata convertible covered with snow, somewhat dark out. I remember the dash being all silver and blue flashing lights (stereo) which at the time I still had my Alpine stereo which did much the same thing. I picked up my car on Monday, while I was getting all situated, almost ready to go... I looked up after backing into the parking space. Sure enough -- there was the Miata. I stopped. I was taken aback and got that really weird feeling in my stomach. I just kind of whispered to myself: "No Fate."
I had been given a glimpse of a goal... some flash of the future, and either I changed everything to get the desired result... or it was just meant to be from the start. Whatever it was I had seen it before, and having it be confirmed is comforting... again, knowing that I'm on the right track, I suppose.

posted @ 15:03


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